Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I think I can, I think I can ... ??

So, I'm back to the first of Zach Davis' questions from his book, Appalachian Trials, Why Am I hiking the Appalachian Trail? The questions Zach poses are what he believes are key to surviving the 6 month journey along the Appalachian Trail when your spirit is low, your mind is weak, and your body is screaming in pain. Knowing why you chose to venture into the woods and walk may well determine whether you choose to continue or instead drop off and head back to civilization and the comforts of home.

Here is my list of reasons for thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail:

  • Because I can (or at least I think I can)
  • Why not? … more on that later …
  • To get into the best shape of my life
  • Because I will be 56 years old in 2016 - the same age that my grandmother died!
  • If not now, when?
  • Because I can afford it and I can choose to make the time for it.
  • Because when I’m in nature, I feel the closest to God.
  • Because I have family and friends to encourage and support me.
  • To prepare for other exciting adventure that await just around the corner.
  • To prove to myself that I can do it.
  • Because I have only one wild & precious life to live. - From The Summer Day by Mary Oliver.
  • Because experiences matter SO much more than things.
  • Because computers, technology, and sitting all day in ‘the chair’ is slowing killing me.
  • Because I don’t stop often enough to smell the flowers.
  • To be an example to others on how to ‘just do it’ and follow your dreams.
  • To prove the naysayers wrong and to stand up to all the reasons against doing it.

I hope to commit these reasons to memory and be able to draw upon them when: I get stuck in a rut; I am hopelessly lost; I have walked for days in the rain; I have barely survived a night of sub-freezing temperatures; I am running down from a bald to escape a lightning storm; I can't stand another day of oatmeal for breakfast; or for whatever other reason, I find myself questioning the purpose of this crazy adventure.

More on the other 2 questions, 

  • 'When I thru-hike the Appalachian Trail I will ...' and
  • 'If I give up on the Appalachian Trail I will ...' 
  • in future posts.

    1 comment:

    1. Great post! Really looking forward to following this.
